Introduction & Account Setup
We have created one of the most simple and effective applications to fly your drone, capture imagery, and earn rewards. Our network has been designed so that pilots from all skill levels can FLY TO EARN. Please read all the below information and watch ALL videos in this section before starting your first flight on the Spexi Network.
Before You Download The Spexi App
Becoming a Spexi pilot is simple, but there are a few important things to know before getting started. Our network is built for both experienced drone operators and hobbyists who want to contribute to large-scale aerial mapping missions.
Basic Requirements
To qualify as a Spexi pilot, you must meet the following criteria:
Device: An Android phone running Android 11 or higher. The Spexi app is currently only available on Android devices as Apple has not released development libraries for the DJI mini series drones.
Supported Drone: A DJI Mini series drone (DJI Mini 2, DJI Mini 3, DJI Mini 3 Pro) More coming soon! Why sub-250g micro drones? In order to offer a standardized data output the network needs standardized inputs. Micro drones are prolific and provide a low barrier to entry for pilots who want to join the network. Read more about micro drones here.
Controller: DJI RC-N1 Why this controller: The DJI pro controller (with the screen) does not allow third party apps, so the phone controller is required in order to run the Spexi application.
Residency: Canada and U.S. Only. You can not fly in Canada if you are from the US or vice versa as you must be employable in the country where you fly.
🇨🇦 Canada – No license required, but knowledge of local airspace rules is recommended.
🇺🇸 United States – A Part 107 license is required to fly commercially. 🇬🇧 UK - Coming Soon! - Flyer ID is recommended for all commercial UAV operators.
Know What to Expect
Spexi pilots contribute to large-scale mapping and imaging projects. These missions support industries like emergency response, infrastructure and data for augmented reality AI. While you earn rewards, the focus is on community-driven aerial data collection rather than high-paying commercial gigs. Pilots travel to various areas and the software autonomously controls the drone for rapid coverage of the target area, after a pilot uploads captured imagery to our Spexi Network.
Account Setup & Payments
Once you join, you’ll be guided through a simple setup to connect your Stripe account. A digital wallet will automatically be created for you to receive rewards and earnings. If you already have a MetaMask wallet, you can choose to connect it instead.
For each successful image upload, your earnings will be accumulated and deposited into your Stripe account every 14 days. Stripe will then automatically transfer the funds to your bank account!
Join the Community
We encourage pilots to join our Discord to connect with experienced flyers, ask questions, and stay updated on missions in your area.
Please take 15 minutes to watch all of the onboarding training videos below. This is a requirement of being an approved Spexi Network pilot.
App Intro Video
Watch the videos to get started with Spexi by downloading the mobile app associated with your drone (DJI Mini 2, Mini 3, or Mini 3Pro) and then create an account.
Introducing the Fly-to-Earn process including data collection and submission.
Requires Android 11+, a personal Gmail account, and a DJI Mini series drone.
Workflow involves selecting a Spexigon, flying a mission, and uploading data for rewards.
Safety and validation steps are emphasized to ensure quality data contribution.
Last updated